Irish heatwaves
The statistical definition of a heatwave in Ireland is minimum 5 consecutive days where the maximum temperature has successfully reached or exceeded 25.0°C at a station. This definition is specifically created for historical comparisons and as a result, there will be a lot of warm spells that were considered heatwaves by people even though the statistics show it failed to reach the criteria of the definition as well as the fact that there would have been a lot of near misses. For instance, the June-July 2018 heatwave at Oak Park, Co. Carlow went on for 11 days using the definition from 24 June to 4 July but if it were not for the 5 July failing to reach 25.0°C at 24.9°C (only 0.1°C short), the heatwave would be 17 days long (24 June to 10 July 2018).
This page contains every known heatwave (going by the definition) for every Irish station.